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How much happens after the day of dental implant surgery? Part of our goal from doing this documentary for you as the patient, was to give you access where there has not been access, and most importantly, BEFORE you have to go through this process. Even with my years in specializing in the dental implant world, I learned a lot of additional info that I wasn’t aware of prior. Some of the appointments might feel a little long, especially if you watch the entire version, but I promise, we didn’t waste time in the video, and by investing the time up-front or even during, it will grow your confidence to new levels for your own smile journey


Scanning to Design Trial Set of Teeth [1st PMMA] After “All-On-4-to-6” Surgery
“Test Drive Teeth” Try In – 1st PMMA [Final Teeth Replica]
New Test Drive – 2nd PMMA Try In
DETAILED Assessment to Finalize “ALL-ON-4-TO-6” Teeth Design
Final Delivery of My New Smile
4 Week Appointment: Post-Surgery for All-On-4-to-6 Dental Implants
Previous Step
The Beginning of the journey
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